Jack Henning
Diagnosis: Stomach Cancer
Jack Henning was born and raised in Milwaukee. Like many youths in the 1960s, he had a paper route and worked part-time while in high school.
He has worked in sales for Sears, Bear Automotive and Prudential Insurance Co., and worked with the Milwaukee County Transit System in the distribution of parts. He is currently self-employed and does commercial locksmithing and small engine repair. He retired from full-time employment to pursue his many other interests, such as turkey hunting, deer hunting, fishing, gardening, cooking, home improvements, travel and taking Caribbean cruises.
He enjoys being open to the challenges of learning and trying different things such as welding, snorkeling and repairing things.
He has been married for 33 years and has two sons. He had been in good to excellent health until the summer of 2014 when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer that involved other organs.
He is working on getting his health and lifestyle back to where it was.