
The flu vaccination is more important than ever, so we’re making it easier than ever to receive it. We offer flu shots to anyone 6 months and older, even if you or your loved one has never been a patient of ours before.

Appointments required. Please call the health center at the number below to make an appointment.

Before You Arrive

  • We recommend wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
  • We accept most insurance plans. Before you come in, please check with your insurance regarding coverage.

Vaccinations are also available at our health centers and pharmacies or FastCare® locations. Learn more about our flu shot options.

No appointments between noon and 12:30 p.m.

Registration Phone
Please call 920-476-6300 to register.Registration open.
Flu Clinic (Sheboygan South Taylor Clinic)

 No appointments between noon and 12:30 p.m.