Cristine Luebstorf, PT

Physical Therapy
Physical Therapist II
Accepting New Patients

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Physical Therapy-Sunnyslope Health Center 262-798-8800
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Accepting New Patients
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Physical Therapy-Sunnyslope Health Center 262-798-8800

I believe that each patient is an individual and has unique needs and goals. I will complete a thorough assessment of the person as a whole and understand how that may affect the reason for coming in for Physical Therapy. We discuss your interests, hobbies, recreational activities and work needs. With all of this information, together we will develop goals for physical therapy to return you to your desired activities. From there, a treatment plan is developed. No two treatment plans are the same- each patient's is unique depending on their individual situation.

I believe that each patient is an individual and has unique needs and goals. I will complete a thorough assessment of the person as a whole and understand how that may affect the reason for coming in…
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Treatment & Services

Deconditioning Rehabilitation
Gait Training
Joint Mobilization
Joint Replacement Rehabilitation
Manual Physical Therapy
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Outpatient Orthopaedics
Pregnancy Related Rehabilitation
Rotator Cuff Repair Rehabilitation
Spine Therapy
Sports Rehabilitation

Diseases & Conditions


Ages Seen


Languages Spoken



1350 Sunny Slope Road
Brookfield, WI 53005
Sunnyslope Health Center

Education & Training

Marquette University - Milwaukee - WI - Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy - (1994)

Patient Reviews

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