Leigh Beyer, BS

Physical Therapy
Physical Therapist II
Accepting New Patients

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Hartford Health Center 262-670-1800
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Accepting New Patients
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Hartford Health Center 262-670-1800

My goal is to provide compassionate patient centered care using the most current evaluation and treatment techniques. I feel it is important to treat the person as a whole and strive to take the time to listen closely to my patients to learn what their needs and treatment goals are. In addition to the treatment techniques I provide in the clinic, I also include in depth patient education regarding their condition and how to improve/manage their symptoms following discharge. The best part of my job is watching a person go from being in pain or unable to do what they want to getting back on their feet!

My goal is to provide compassionate patient centered care using the most current evaluation and treatment techniques. I feel it is important to treat the person as a whole and strive to take the time…
View more at www.froedtert.com/doctors/leigh-beyer-1538592662


As a junior in high school I already knew I wanted to be a physical therapist when "I grew up". I earned my Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy degree at the University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse, WI in 1989. I love to learn and have completed a wide range of additional yearly education/training ever since and has over 30 years of clinical experience in working with patients of all ages and conditions such as general orthopedic injuries/surgeries, chronic pain, cancer rehab, neurological conditions, women's health issues, athletic injuries and concussions. I have enjoyed using my education over the years serving on the Health Ministry Committee at my church, volunteering as the Safety Coordinator for our local Junior Football Program and Little League organization as well as providing strength/agility conditioning w/ my children's sports teams. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, gardening/craft projects and exercising.


Treatment & Services

Cancer Rehabilitation
Gait Training
Manual Physical Therapy
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Neuromuscular Re-Education
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Pain Neuroscience Education
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Therapeutic Exercise
Women's Health Rehabilitation

Diseases & Conditions

Athletic Injury
Back and Neck Pain
Joint Pain
Neurological Disorders
Parkinson's Disease
Sprains and Strains
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)

Ages Seen


Languages Spoken



110 Lone Oak Lane
Hartford, WI 53027
Hartford Health Center

Education & Training

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse - WI - Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy - (1989)

Patient Reviews

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