Our adult Level 1 Trauma Center team includes fellowship-trained orthopaedic trauma surgeons. Their advanced training and experience add another level of expertise to the care they provide for complex injuries involving bones, muscles, ligaments and joints.

Fracture Care

When the unexpected happens, it's important to see an orthopaedic surgeon immediately. Usually, you'll know when you have a broken bone. You may hear a snap or cracking sound, the area will be tender, swollen and possibly bruised or the bone could even be visible. There are two types of fractures, closed (simple) fractures and open (compound) fractures. 

Treating Closed and Open Fractures

Closed fractures include any fracture where the bone does not puncture through the skin. Open fractures occur when the bone or possibly a bone fragment breaks through the skin. Both can be severe and you should seek medical attention immediately. Fractures can take several weeks to several months to heal depending on the severity of the injury. The pain usually subsides long before the fracture is fully healed. Once your cast or brace is removed, you will still need to limit your activity while the bone continues to strengthen. You will need a period of rehabilitation that involves exercises and gradually increasing activity before the healing process is complete.

If you are over the age of 50 and experienced a broken bone, our Bone Health Clinic can help you reduce your risk for future fractures.

Advanced Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatment for Orthopaedic Emergencies

Our team uses advanced technologies and surgical and nonsurgical treatments for orthopaedic emergencies. When appropriate, our specialists use minimally invasive orthopaedic surgery techniques, which lead to less pain, fewer complications and faster recovery. Specialists in vascular, plastic, microsurgery and other disciplines are also readily available to meet specific patient needs. We provide expert care for the entire spectrum of orthopaedic trauma, including:

  • Reconstruction due to fractures
  • Complex injuries and fractures to the pelvis, joints and more
  • Non-surgical care of fractures
  • Joint dislocations

We also provide advanced care for the complications of trauma, including:

  • Nonuinons (fractures that have not healed)
  • Malunions (fractures that have healed improperly)
  • Post-trauma orthopaedic infection (osteomyelitis)

Learn more about orthopaedic surgery and treatment.

Virtual Visits Are Available

Safe and convenient virtual visits by video let you get the care you need via a mobile device, tablet or computer wherever you are. We'll assess your condition and develop a treatment plan right away. To schedule a virtual visit, call 414-777-7700.

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