The Specialty Pharmacy Services team makes it easier for you to stay focused on your health. Skilled technicians and pharmacists work with your care team and get your medications to you on time. Medication management and home delivery services help you manage specialized and complicated medications.
When you are prescribed specialty medications, enrolling with Specialty Pharmacy Services allows you to work with our clinically trained pharmacists who review your medical record to make sure you get the right medications at the right time. Medication management is available to you at no additional charge, if you are on a specialty medication.
- Every month, expert pharmacists will review your provider’s visits and notes to make sure that the medications, doses, and the directions are correct.
- Pharmacists will reach out to your provider to get new prescriptions when refills are needed or work to get insurance to cover your medications.
- Before sending out any medications, the pharmacy staff will call you to get your order, preventing missed doses or unwanted medications from being sent to you.
- Pharmacy staff will help group your refills to decrease how often you need to order medications.
- Pharmacy staff will work with you to remove barriers and help you feel in control of your medications.
View Our Specialty Pharmacy Welcome Kit
Contact Information
Phone: 414-805-5690 or 844-249-4235
Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
If you have an urgent question after hours, please call 414-777-7700 and ask for the medication management pharmacist.

Commitment to Excellence
Froedtert Specialty Pharmacy is accredited by Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) for compliance with a comprehensive set of national standards. By choosing a doctor or clinician that has achieved ACHC accreditation, you can take comfort in knowing that you will receive the highest quality of care. If you have any concerns about the product or service that you receive from Froedtert Specialty Pharmacy, you may contact ACHC directly at 855-937-2242.
Financial Obligations and Assistance for Pharmacy Services
Before your care begins, a Specialty Pharmacy Services staff member will inform you of the financial obligations you will incur that are not covered by your insurance or other third-party sources. These obligations include but are not limited to out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, annual and lifetime co-insurance limits and charges you will be responsible for during your enrollment period.
- Insurance claims. Specialty Pharmacy Services staff will submit claims to your health insurance carrier on the date your prescription is filled. If you need a prior authorization, your claim is rejected, or you need an appeal, a staff member will notify you so that we can work together to resolve the issue.
Assignment of Benefits Form - Co-payments. In most cases, Specialty Pharmacy Services will be required to collect all co-payments prior to shipment of your medication. Co-payments can be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) electronic checking account debit over the phone and by check or money order through the mail.
- Co-pay assistance referral program. Specialty Pharmacy Services provides financial assistance to help with co-payments to ensure no interruptions in your therapy. Options available may include discount coupons from drug manufacturers, co-payment vouchers, and assistance from various disease management foundations and pharmaceutical companies.
- Payment inquiries. Any questions regarding payments should be directed to 414-805-5690.

Froedtert Pharmacy was recognized as a 2022 Pioneer in URAC’s Leaders in Performance Measurement (LPM) recognition program. As a Pioneer in Performance Measurement, Froedtert Pharmacy is noted as an organization that makes key contributions to advance performance measurement within accreditation programs.
Medicare Part D Prescription Changes
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has made significant changes to Medicare Part D plan design for prescription drug coverage starting January 2025. The changes are intended to make drugs more affordable and accessible. Key highlights include monthly payment options for covered high-cost medications and the elimination of the coverage gap after patients reach certain thresholds, reducing out-of-pocket cap on drug spending from $8,000 to $2,000. For higher cost medications, depending on plan coverage, some patients may see substantial increases to charges for the first refills of the year. The new monthly payment option can mitigate this situation.
We encourage patients to review their plan options to ensure their needs are met. You can learn more about what the changes may mean for you through your Medicare Part D plan using the contact information located on back of your insurance card. Patients who are insured by Network Health can contact advisors there at 866-845-1803. For general information, visit medicare.gov or call 1-800-Medicare. Pharmacy team members can also provide a broad overview of the changes.
Consider Managing Your Monthly Drug Costs with the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan
If you have received notice that you are Likely to Benefit from the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, please review the linked information and contact Medicare for more information.
Save Money on Medications
Your Froedtert Pharmacy team is dedicated to ensuring you have the medications you need at the lowest price possible.
- When you fill your prescription at a Froedtert Pharmacy, we run it through our automated coupon program to identify and apply any available coupons to reduce the cost of your prescription.
- Our Medication Access Team also works behind the scenes to apply any available financial assistance to your prescription.
- In the fiscal year ending in June 2023, Froedtert Pharmacy saved our patients more than $135 million.
Our team is dedicated to finding you the best price for your essential medications. You can count on us.

We Are A .Pharmacy Verified Website
We are proud to be a verified pharmacy by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) .Pharmacy Verified Websites Program.