Sleep Study Private RoomIf your physician determines a sleep study is necessary to help with diagnosis, you may be able to choose a home sleep test or an in-clinic sleep study at one of our three comfortable sleep lab locations.

Home Sleep Test

Home sleep testing occurs when you sleep at home wearing equipment that collects information about breathing during sleep. It is used to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea. The equipment will measure your heart rate, oxygen levels and breathing while you sleep, recording it to a device that you will return.

The data will be interpreted by a sleep specialist and shared with your provider to review with you.

Learn how to use the NOX T3 sleep monitor.

In-Clinic Sleep Study

For an in-clinic sleep study, you will spend the entire night in a comfortable private room in the sleep center. After arriving at the center around 8 p.m., you will meet the sleep technologist who will conduct your test.

The technologist will thoroughly explain your study and then fit you with leads or devices that are part of your evaluation. The fitting process takes about 30 to 45 minutes. You are then free to relax, read a bit or watch TV until you fall asleep. 

Sleep Study Private BathroomWhile you sleep, a trained sleep technologist will monitor your breathing, brainwaves, muscle tone, eye movements, oxygen levels, and other functions via the sensors.

If you are having an apnea study and your monitors show apnea events, you will be awakened around 2 a.m. and fitted with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask. This simple device uses air pressure to keep the throat open. The technologist will start the CPAP pressure at a low setting, and then gradually increase the level until monitors indicate you are achieving deep sleep with no breathing gaps. 

In the morning, you can awake at your normal time, shower if you like, and get on with your day as normal.

Daytime sleep testing is available for third-shift workers and others who may prefer this option.

Sleep disorders are recognized medical conditions that are covered by most insurance carriers.

Other Tests May Be Part of Your Sleep Study

Depending on your needs, your in-clinic sleep study may also include:


Actigraphy assesses leg movements during the night. It is used to assist with the treatment of Periodic Leg Movements (PLM). Actigraphy is recommended for patients currently on medication for restless leg or PLMs who are still having symptoms such as:

  • Irritating or unusual feeling in the legs at bedtime or during the day
  • Legs kicking at night
  • Continue to have excessive daytime sleepiness

Overnight Pulse Oximetry

Pulse oximetry is a test that determines the oxygen saturation in the blood. This overnight test is recommended for patients who may require oxygen during the night or have night time breathing disorders.

Multiple Sleep Latency Testing (MSLT) or MSLT Sleep Study

This test consists of a series of several nap sessions to measure how much time it takes to fall asleep.

Maintenance of Wakefulness Testing (MWT)

This test measures how alert you are during the day.

Sleep Study Results

One of our sleep medicine specialists will interpret the results of your tests and forward the information to the physician who ordered the tests. Based on your diagnoses, your physician will continue your care and treatment or may refer you to a sleep medicine specialist.

Information Sheets