According to the National Eye Institute, nearly 16 million people are diagnosed with Dry Eye Disease (DED), with many more suffering from DED going undiagnosed. 

Dry eye disease, also know as ocular surface disease, refers to a group of eye conditions that affect the surface of the eye, including the cornea, conjunctiva and eyelids. It encompasses various issues like dry eye syndrome, inflammation or damage to the eye surface, leading to symptoms such as irritation, redness and blurred vision.

Common symptoms include persistent dryness or grittiness in the eyes, a sensation of something foreign in the eye, redness, excessive reflex tearing, sensitivity to light, blurred vision and discomfort. These symptoms may vary in intensity and can affect daily activities like reading, driving or working on electronic devices for extended periods.

A comprehensive eye exam can evaluate symptoms and diagnose underlying causes. Treatment for dry eyes often includes artificial tear drops to lubricate the eyes. An eye doctor may also recommend lifestyle adjustments like using humidifiers or taking breaks during tasks. Prescriptive medications or procedures may be recommended in severe cases. 

Recommendations for treating dry eyes:

  • Use preservative free artificial tears as needed
  • Maintain proper eye hygiene
  • Apply warm compresses
  • Stay hydrated 

If you think you suffer from dry eye disease, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with one of our eye care specialists to help address your concerns and come up with a treatment plan.