What kind of eater are you? The way you eat is just as important as what you eat. If you can identify with any of the characteristics below, try some of the following tips to gradually improve your eating style. A good goal this summer is to pause and think about the way you eat. Then you can work around those roadblocks to get to your goal.

Emotional Eater

“I use food to suppress negative emotions.” Try the following to cope with emotional eating:

  • Manage your stress (yoga, journal, read, breathe, meditate)
  • Fight boredom/distract yourself (go for a walk, participate in a favorite hobby, call a friend or family member)
  • Log your food intake and use a hunger scale to focus on eating only when hungry

Fast Eater

“I am often the first one done eating.” Try to the following to slow down eating pace:

  • Set a timer for 20-30 minutes at a meal time
  • Focus on portion control or use a smaller plate or bowl  
  • Try smaller, more frequent meals if limited time to eat
  • Eat in relaxed surroundings—try dimming the lights, turn off TV and sit at the dining room table

Clean Plate Eater

“I finish everything on my plate and maybe even others’ plates.” Try the following to limit overeating:

  • Take a smaller portion to start with or share a meal at a restaurant with a friend
  • Pack away your leftovers for your next meal
  • Stop and ask yourself, do I need this last bite?
  • At a restaurant, put half of your meal away as soon as it arrives
  • Use smaller plates and bowls

Eating on the Go/Meal Skipper

“I don’t plan meals or snacks ahead of time.” Try the following to help limit eating on the go or skipping meals:

  • Plan for at least two main meals per week and use leftovers
  • Frontload your calories (plan for a big breakfast and moderate lunch)
  • Always have snacks on hand in your desk, purse, gym bag or car
  • Read the nutrition information at restaurants before you order to help make mindful choices

Be Mindful, Food is Fuel

  • Be in the moment without placing judgments on yourself about food choices
  • Be attentive to your body’s cues of hunger
  • Avoid multitasking when you eat
  • Free yourself from the diet/no diet mentality
  • Serve food on a plate or bowl instead of eating out of a package or bag
  • Eat slowly, savor the flavor and aroma and engage all senses

Try taking the Mindful Eating Questionnaire.

Additional Resources