Becoming a mother can be one of the most exciting times of your life, but it can also be confusing and even a little scary. Many moms, especially new moms, have an endless list of questions they ask friends, family or their social media community. Deciding what to put on your baby gift registry and which baby monitor to buy is fun, but talking through your questions with your obstetrician is essential for women who are pregnant or might become pregnant. Here are several prenatal questions I recommend discussing with your OB to protect your health and the health of your new baby.

Should I take any prenatal vitamins?

I list this one first because this is a question women should ask before they become pregnant. Having the right nutrients is key to early development for a baby, and in this country, roughly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. I typically recommend women of childbearing age who might become pregnant talk to their doctor about taking a vitamin with folic acid and iron to make sure you have the necessary nutrients covered even before you become pregnant. Vitamin and supplement needs are specific to each person and dependent on several factors each woman should discuss with her doctor.

Are any of my preexisting health conditions going to affect me or my baby? How do I manage those conditions while pregnant?

One of the first things you and your OB will discuss is your medical history. If you have any preexisting health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, blood clots or obesity, your OB will need to work with you to provide the best-individualized care plan for you. These types of conditions may impact the care you need during your pregnancy for both you and your baby. Ask questions so you are clear on what you need to know or do, explore whether genetic testing is desirable and ask for your OB’s input on managing any conditions.

What types or how much exercise should I be doing during pregnancy?

Maintaining proper weight is an important factor in your health and the health of your baby. I tell my patients that for moms who regularly exercised before becoming pregnant, it is good to continue exercising in a way that is healthy and gentle for their baby. We focus on maintaining rather than excessively gaining weight, which can lead to health problems.

What type of preparation should I do before my baby is born? And what is available to me at my hospital to help me prepare?

Your OB can help direct you to resources to prepare you both for childbirth and for caring for your new baby. Discuss and think through decisions beforehand, like whether you want to circumcise your new baby boy, car seat preparedness or how many people you want in the room during birth. Talk these items through with your OB before delivery. It is definitely a good idea to take advantage of prenatal, breastfeeding or childbirth classes available through your hospital birth center.

Are there any travel restrictions I should be aware of?

Recently, the news has been full of stories about the Zika virus and ways it could be negative for mothers and their babies. Women who might become pregnant should also be aware of travel restrictions. Some viruses can be transmitted from male to female, so women should be aware of their partners’ travels. It's important to remember there are other viruses that pregnant women can contract that can affect the health of mom and baby. Make sure to get your flu vaccine this season to avoid influenza which can be more severe in pregnant women. In general, practicing good hygiene, such as washing your hands, and practicing healthy habits will go far in protecting your baby and avoiding transmission of infection, but you should also be aware of travel destinations to avoid if you’re thinking of becoming pregnant.

Do you have recommendations for a pediatrician?

Once your beautiful new baby is born, the visits to your pediatrician will begin. Don’t wait until after your baby is born to find someone who is the right fit for your family. Your OB will know and understand you and your individual needs at the end of your time together and should be able to give a recommendation for a good fit.

Above all, find an OB committed to effective communication before and during pregnancy and birth who you feel comfortable with to address all of your questions and concerns. You and your baby deserve it!

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