Seeing my Savior with the crown of thorns at the cross on Calvary, I see a lot more.

What else did Christ accomplish at the cross, in addition to paying all the sin debt for our past, present and future sins to all the Christians that believe in His resurrection? Let's look to the Bible for some answers.

It starts with Adam in the garden of Eden, where God gave him dominion over all Creation. The sin of Adam affected all Creation and all the evil that is in the world today, such as war, earthquakes, racism, sickness, cancer, weeds, thorns, jealousy and physical death (Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 3:16-19, Romans 5:12-19, Romans 8:20).

The destruction that sin or evil has in the world today and the impact it has in our personal lives is all temporary for Christians, as we eagerly wait for Him to take us home to be with Him in everlasting peace.

In Romans 8:19-23, it says that the whole Creation groans and labors with birth pains together into now. The whole Creation will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Our Savior offers all of God's children a special peace that is available to His family in times of life’s problems.

To find out more about this peace, talk to your clergy or Bible-believing Christians or look at my Christmas blog from Jan. 2019. A passage in scripture that has given me a lot of comfort during my walk with cancer is in 1 Cor 15:55-57. It says:

O death where is your victory

O death where is your sting

As a cancer survivor, I also say:

O Cancer where is your victory

O Cancer where is your sting

But thanks be to God who gives the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

To all my cancer brother and sisters and their families, have a blessed Easter.

About the Author

Jack Henning was born and raised in Milwaukee. Like many youths in the 1960s, he had a paper route and worked part-time while in high school. He has worked in sales for Sears, Bear Automotive and Prudential Insurance Co., and worked with the Milwaukee County Transit System in the distribution of parts. He is currently self-employed and does commercial locksmithing and small engine repair. He has been married for 33 years and has two sons. He had been in good to excellent health until the summer of 2014 when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer that involved other organs. He is working on getting his health and lifestyle back to where it was.

Deanne Wynne

It’s so wonderful to read your article about Easter and what it mean for Christians. I have known the Lord for many years and so very thankful for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and for His glorious resurrection. Thank you, Jack for blessing me today with your words. I will keep you in my prayers as you deal with your stomach cancer. God bless you!