My spouse and I have a New Year’s tradition we’ve been doing for the last 30-plus years, and I would like to share it.
We find a church that has a New Year's Eve service that goes for about an hour. We try to get there early and just sit, and I mean totally relax and review the good and the bad, the ups and the downs, of the past year. During that time, I say a personal prayer thanking the Lord for another year on earth and also asking Him to guide me through the next year. I put all my anxiety or cares on Him and ask Him to use me for His purpose the following year, as I enjoy this temporary life on earth to its fullest.
I find that I have a lot of comfort and peace that evening as I start the New Year. After the church service, we do everything from meeting friends, to spending the evening with our children, to dining out or just going home — but the activity is always relaxing. I have been finding in recent years it has been harder to find a New Year’s evening service, so I plan ahead and enjoy the beauty of these churches along with the message from the clergy.
What is your New Year's tradition?
A blessed, happy New Year to all my brothers and sisters affected by cancer!
Share Your Thoughts
How do you reflect on the New Year? Tell us what your traditions are. Share your comments below.