Elizabeth Faller, PT, DPT

Physical Therapy
Accepting New Patients

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Physical Therapy-Drexel Town Square 414-346-8350
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Accepting New Patients
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Physical Therapy-Drexel Town Square 414-346-8350

Building relationships is a vital component to my philosophy of care. I strive to actively listen to each patient to understand how their symptoms impact their daily lives. I then collaborate with each patient to create a comprehensive plan of care and design each treatment session to address their individual goals. My favorite part of being of Physical Therapist is celebrating my patient’s achievements and empowering them to continue to live and move well far beyond our plan of care.

Building relationships is a vital component to my philosophy of care. I strive to actively listen to each patient to understand how their symptoms impact their daily lives. I then collaborate with…
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Treatment & Services

Balance Exercises
Gait Training
Joint Mobilization
Manual Physical Therapy
Neuromuscular Re-Education
Post-Operative Management
Therapeutic Activity
Therapeutic Exercise

Diseases & Conditions

Extremity Pain
Musculoskeletal Pain
Orthopaedic Injury

Ages Seen


Languages Spoken



Drexel Town Square Health Center

Education & Training

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse - WI - Doctorate in Physical Therapy - (2018)

Patient Reviews

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