Lexi Miles, PT

Physical Therapy
Accepting New Patients

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Otolaryngology and Communication Sciences Clinic 414-805-5580
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Accepting New Patients
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Otolaryngology and Communication Sciences Clinic 414-805-5580

I understand that vertigo and dizziness can be a scary experience and I believe that taking the time to listen to my patient to ensure that they feel heard and that their concerns are addressed is important. I also spend a lot of time educating patients and family members because the more you understand what is causing the symptoms, the less scary it is.

I understand that vertigo and dizziness can be a scary experience and I believe that taking the time to listen to my patient to ensure that they feel heard and that their concerns are addressed is…
View more at www.froedtert.com/doctors/lexi-miles-1962661314


I have been collaborating with patients with dizziness and vertigo since 2008. It gives me joy to be able to provide relief to patients and help them get back to the activities that they want to do. Outside of work, I love participating in outdoor activities such as gardening, running and cross-country skiing and spending time with my kids.


Treatment & Services

Balance Exercises
Gaze Stabilization
Habituation Exercise
Vestibular Rehabilitation

Diseases & Conditions

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Motion Sickness
Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness
Post-Concussion Dizziness
Unilateral and Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
Vestibular Migraine
Visual Vertigo

Ages Seen


Languages Spoken

Otolaryngology - Center For Advanced Care - Froedtert Hospital

Education & Training

Marquette University - Milwaukee - WI - Master of Physical Therapy - (2004)

Patient Reviews

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