If quitting smoking is one of health goals, you’re not alone. Seven out of 10 smokers want to quit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But few smokers are successful at quitting on their first try, and many seek out replacement products, including e-cigarettes or vapes, to help them fight off the urge for a cigarette. Vape pens are sometimes thought of as less harmful than smoking, but some scientists disagree. There is continued debate on whether vaping could be a safe smoking cessation method.
The FDA has not approved vape pens as a safe or effective smoking cessation aid. Vape pens and other non-nondisposable and disposable vaping devices are not regulated by the FDA, which means the companies selling vape pens and related products do not have to disclose their products’ ingredients. FDA testing found that vape contained cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient for anti-freeze. Testing also found some of the flavorings for vape pens could cause serious and irreversible lung disease.
In January 2018, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a comprehensive report on the health effects of e-cigarettes following the analysis of a national committee of public health experts. According to the report, “e-cigarettes appear to pose less risk to an individual than combustible tobacco cigarettes,” but the panel of experts said they could not categorize e-cigarettes as safe because not enough long-term studies exist.
What Are Vape Pens?
Vape pens are battery-operated and heat a liquid containing nicotine, flavoring and chemicals including glycerin or polyethylene glycol. The device emits a vapor, which the user inhales. This is where the term “vaping” comes from.
Ultrafine particles in the smoking device vapor are deposited into the body, specifically into the lungs and into the circulatory system. The smoker exhales some of these particles, which exposes bystanders to the emissions. Studies on vape pen aerosol particles, referenced in the scientific journal Circulation, found “the particle size distribution and number of particles delivered by e-cigarettes are similar to those of conventional cigarettes” and “tests on e-cigarettes show much lower levels of most toxicants, but not particles, than conventional cigarettes.”
Is Vaping Safer Than Traditional Cigarettes?
Valerie Bonne, MD, a pulmonologist with the Froedtert & MCW health network does not consider vaping a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes. Dr. Bonne said to truly reap the benefits of quitting smoking, a person must not only stop inhaling the tobacco found in traditional cigarettes, but also the nicotine and the cancer-causing chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes and vaping.
“When you quit smoking, your lung function will stop declining at such a rapid rate,” Dr. Bonne said. “While we cannot undo the damage that has already been done, by the virtue of not having to constantly battle the tar and chemicals deposited in lung tissue, a person’s lung function will improve one to nine months after quitting smoking. Coughing and shortness of breath decrease.”
Can I Use Vape Pens or Other Devices to Quit Smoking?
There are well-studied smoking cessation products on the market that can help a smoker quit, without the chemicals found in vapes. “Over-the-counter methods do not work for everyone, and some might work better when combined with a prescription,” Dr. Bonne said. “Prescription medications are available, including two pills, a nasal spray and an inhaler, which can mimic the smoker’s habit of wanting to puff on something.”
Better Options to Quit Smoking
It is scientifically proven that counseling and supportive mentoring result in a better outcome for someone attempting to quit smoking. A doctor can help you understand what your triggers are for wanting a cigarette and when you might be most likely to relapse. Together, you and your doctor can figure out your course of action to handle those situations. Having a doctor involved also allows you to have nicotine replacement products prescribed to you to support your efforts.
Whether you choose to see a doctor or not, there are a number of support groups and smoking cessation programs available that can help you reach your goals. Participating in these groups or programs has been shown to lead to fewer relapses. “It is important to remember that a key part of success is the desire to quit,” Dr. Bonne said. Motivation to quit can come from different sources like wanting to have a surgery and needing to be nicotine-free for it, or having family members who are concerned about your health and about the effects of second-hand smoke. “Ultimately, breaking the habit and beating the addiction is most likely when the individual is self-motivated to lead a healthier life,” Dr. Bonne said.
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Smoking Cessation