Jennifer Alizadeh, DPT

Physical Therapy
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Springdale Health Center 262-532-8300
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Westbrook Health Center 262-532-5700
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Accepting New Patients
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Springdale Health Center 262-532-8300
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Westbrook Health Center 262-532-5700

I believe in treating the whole person and not just the injury or pain that has brought them in for therapy. I feel we need to be healthy: mind, body and soul. Helping someone through their injury and pain to get back to their prior lifestyle, or to make progress towards lifestyle changes, is my ultimate goal. I also strive to achieve that each patient understands the WHY behind the therapy recommendations; for this results in improved self-help for my patients to better manage their symptoms.

I believe in treating the whole person and not just the injury or pain that has brought them in for therapy. I feel we need to be healthy: mind, body and soul. Helping someone through their injury and…
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Growing up I was a 4 season athlete and school leader in many clubs and organizations. My parents always told me I should be a teacher and coach high school sports. I have always loved learning and school. My goal was to achieve a doctorate level education, but I was not quite sure what career or degree to choose. I, initially, started out with Pre-Dentistry, then, switched to Pre-Medical school and I even went to out Massage Therapy School! Once I found Physical Therapy, I fell in love with this area of study. It was no longer “work”’ for me, and I felt my brain just "ticked" this way. Ultimately, my parents were right. I am a teacher and I am a coach; I just took the more medical route. I love working with patients and teaching them about their bodies. I volunteer coach for my children and I am always learning and teaching new things. Some of my other hobbies include cooking, singing and hiking with my family.


Treatment & Services

Body Mechanics Education and Training
Exercise Prescription
Gait Training
Injury Prevention
Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
Manual Physical Therapy
Outpatient Orthopaedics
Pediatric Orthopaedics
Post-Operative Care
Sports Rehabilitation
Total Joint Replacement

Diseases & Conditions

Back Pain
Gait Abnormality
Neck Pain
Running Injuries
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)

Ages Seen


Languages Spoken



21700 Intertech Drive
Brookfield, WI 53045
2315 E. Moreland Blvd.
Waukesha, WI 53186
Springdale Health Center Westbrook Health Center

Education & Training

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Doctor of Physical Therapy - (2012)

Patient Reviews

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