The Bible talks about peace from Genesis to Revelation. Some of the peace that scripture talks about is an earthly peace and also a heavenly peace.
The well known peace in the Bible that is reflected in nativity scenes, Christmas carols and cards is from Luke 2:14. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men." The angels rejoice to the shepherds in the field, praising God for working His salvation plan for sinners in and through the birth of Jesus, the Messiah.
The Bible talks about another type of peace that the apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:7, "and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ."
The peace that Paul is writing about here is a supernatural peace, not a psychological peace. To have an understanding of this type of peace, that is freely given to all believers; is not simply going to church, but searching the scriptures and letting the inspired word of God, through the spirit, guide you with wisdom and love.
As you search the scriptures regarding peace, consider talking to your clergy or bible study group as you grow in your spiritual journey.
I would love to say Shiloh (peace) to all those affected with cancer and their partners. It is my prayer that they truly understand the earthly and heavenly peace that Jesus gives us.
I would also, at this time, say thank you to all the medical staff at Froedtert Hospital that gave me the physical life that I enjoy today with my family and loves ones.
I hope you all had a blessed Christmas!
About the Author
Jack Henning was born and raised in Milwaukee. Like many youths in the 1960s, he had a paper route and worked part-time while in high school. He has worked in sales for Sears, Bear Automotive and Prudential Insurance Co., and worked with the Milwaukee County Transit System in the distribution of parts. He is currently self-employed and does commercial locksmithing and small engine repair. He has been married for 33 years and has two sons. He had been in good to excellent health until the summer of 2014 when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer that involved other organs. He is working on getting his health and lifestyle back to where it was.
Hi Jack,
Thank you for your testimony to the Lord's work in your life, and for reminding us that God gives us true and lasting peace through Jesus Christ, our Savior. My husband was diagnosed in 2011 with Leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant. He is doing well, and we thank everyone at Froedtert for the amazing care that we received.
Thanks for sharing your story, it's good to hear from those who know the Lord and their perspective about having cancer.