The best health care is tailored to you and your needs. Let us help you create a personalized wellness plan during your Medicare Annual Wellness Visit.
What Is a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit?
A Medicare Annual Wellness Visit is an opportunity for you to sit down with our top-notch primary care doctors and nurses to develop a personalized wellness plan to help you stay healthy. Your wellness plan will include:
- A health screening schedule. When you leave, you will have a written screening schedule that covers the next five to 10 years. You’ll know which screening tests you should have and when you should have them. We can also help you schedule health screenings such as mammograms and skin cancer checks.
- Personalized health advice. Because we take the time to get to know you, we can tailor our advice to you and your lifestyle.
- Referrals for appropriate services and programs to help minimize or treat health risks. If you have diabetes, we may refer you to our nutritionist and diabetes nurse educator. If you are at high risk for heart disease, we’ll connect you with a heart specialist.
There is no cost for the professional charges for a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit — no deductible, no co-pay. However, if your doctor or clinician recommends (and you agree to) additional tests or services not covered under the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit, you may have to pay co-insurance and your deductible may apply. Out of pocket amounts may also apply to the facility charges if you are seen in a hospital-based clinic.
Who Is Eligible for a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit?
If you have had Medicare Part B for more than a year, and have not had an Initial Preventive Physical Exam or Annual Wellness Visit in the last 12 months, you are eligible for a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit.
What to Expect at Your Annual Wellness Visit
During your visit, we will:
- Review your medical and family history.
- Develop a current list of your health care doctors and clinicians, as well as a list of your prescriptions. (Please bring a list of your current prescription medications, over-the-counters medications, and supplements to your visit.)
- Measure your height, weight and blood pressure.
- Review your advanced directives. (If you do not yet have an advanced directive, indicating your healthcare wishes in the event you can no longer make your own decisions, we can help you create one.)
- Create a personalized wellness plan.
Make an Appointment
To make an appointment, call 414-777-7700. If you need help choosing a Froedtert & MCW primary care doctor or clinician, visit our online physician directory to view videos and find the doctor who’s right for you.